class schedule

All classes are held in person, either on the roof or in the studio. There is no late at peace yoga gallery, and you will arrive when you are meant to arrive. To maintain respect for the space, teachers, and students, please do not wear shoes in the temple, do not bring in alcoholic beverages, and turn off your cellphones for the duration of your practice. We look forward to welcoming you — namaste.

live events nightly promoting

community and ceremony

see what’s happening on instagram


price list

individual classes — $20

monthly passes — $150

yearly memberships — $1500

sound healings — $33

cacao sound healings — $44

An energy exchange program is also available for students facing financial hardship. If you choose to pursue an energy exchange for yoga, you will come in before your practice to help with the functions of the studio. The teachers at peace yoga gallery practice Seva (selfless action without expectations), and students are welcome to practice their Seva at the studio.

Check out Instagram for schedule changes and events!